Saturday, April 3, 2010


For Thine is The Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, forever. Amen. Jesus helped us, with the Lord's Prayer, to not only remember that for which we need to pray, but to always be mindful that God's power is limitless and endless. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that God and I can't handle together. God, please help me to always remember that. My 'forgetter' works very well, so I need help remembering things sometimes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm not good at a lot of spiritual disciplines, but praying every day is one thing with which I am consistent. Please prayers in the morning and thank you prayers at night. I love Henri Nouwen's assuredness that God is listening, that the answers are there, and that all we have to do is be quiet and listen. He even wants good things for us. I can deal with that.

Chip Abernathy